Celebrity with watch

Celebrity with watch

Host Yours On A Yacht

We are all aware of our assisting Saddam against Iran in days gone by, and then he became our enemy when he fell out of favor and attacked Kuwait. We are all aware that we helped Osama bin Laden against the Russians and gave him 135 Stinger surface to air shoulder launched missiles. Then we all know he later oil press machine caused the 9-11 attack here.

Well foreign policy of Machiavellian tactics has been the norm in human civilization and it is well written throughout our species' history. Our nation has been no different, it is the way of politics and the impasses, which are created from forcing ones political will. We are therefore always switching sides, using allies, etc., and similarly they are also constantly re-positioning to serve their best interests, which may or may not conflict with our political preferences. The Prince has always been advised of this and yes, we could critique our current policies. Indeed the enemy of my enemy is my friend, has held true for centuries and centuries.

We could also talk of the F-14s we sold to Iran before the fall of the Shaw or how about the F-16s we are selling to Pakistan now? Or if you prefer the P-3s we are selling to India or the nuclear fuel for reactors, which could in fact become missile warhead material for either offensive or defensive weapons. You could say, yes but these are all our allies? Are they? They are today that is true, what happens when Dr. Condoleezza Rice retires?

While we are talking about allies, they are selling stuff to others as well? What about the THEL (high-energy lasers) that the Israelis are selling to China, remember a Chinese General indicated that if the United States defends Taiwan against the re-unification that the Chinese would consider using nuclear weapons against the United States. How the Russians who are selling those latest Migs to China for 15 Billion Dollars? The ICBMs and defense systems we are selling to Taiwan. The fact the Osama helped us prevent Russia from putting in a pipeline for oil and making Afghanistan communist and the 135 Stingers given to him and yes we can discuss the Rise of Saddam via good ole' USA.

We can talk about the Howitzers selling to both sides in WWII. We can talk about the Catholic Church blessing both sides. We can talk about all that. What we do today, effects tomorrow, what we do tomorrow effects how we view and critique history today. If you have thought about these things and the Machiavellian tactics and sound and fury of mankind then thought to yourself there has to oil machine be a better way; well then; you are correct.

I am sure if you put some time to it you could in fact sit there and name 100 incidents of problematic futures being created by today's actions. So your thoughts and observations of this are worthy of thought. Which is probably the point and confirms my comment about our foreign policies. Indeed do not expect anything to change anytime soon, so we could talk about all these things but it would be moot point. As one scholar recently put it; The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. And indeed that is correct. Think on this and you will not be alone.

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